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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1, 2020 Updated Class Procedures

Hi, here are the updated class procedures for distance learning.

1. First and most important: since you are now working on assignments from home, more than ever it is extremely important that you READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. You don't have me or classmates there to check that you did all parts of the assignment correctly, so you need to pay extra attention to this before you rush through and hammer that "turn in" button. Consider it a head start for high school where they are not going to hold your hand.

2. Check your email regularly. If you're not already, time to start. This is how we're going to communicate for the duration of social distancing so you should be checking at least once or twice a day. You can sign in to your email (and Google Classroom) on your phone too - it's how I am able to respond to your emails quickly since I get notifications.

3. Classwork will be assigned Sunday night/Monday morning. You have the week to complete it and it will be due by Friday afternoon at 5 PM. PLEASE remember to hit "TURN IN" on Google Classroom when you are finished. This lets me know it is ready to be graded.

4. Classwork is also how attendance is taken. If you do the work, you were "here" for class. If not, you will be marked absent for the week and this may result in a call home.

5. Old late and missing assignments may still be completed for credit. Finish them correctly and send me a good picture of them, and I'll give you UP TO FULL credit. Same for assignment corrections; send me a picture of corrected work and I will update the score in Aeries.

6. I want to do my job and help you - don't just give up if you don't understand! Zoom calls in my class are office hours - join one of the calls if you have questions about the work that week or any other questions about things like grades or past assignments. They are not mandatory meetings, but it is nice to see you! Look at the Distance Learning Schedule to see when I am available (you should have it saved on your phone/iPad by now). Zoom call links will be posted on Google Classroom.

7. Need Tech Support?
Students and families can receive technology support for PCS issued iPads and Chromebooks by sending an email to

Please include

Student’s full name
Student ID number
Preferred contact information
Thorough description of the issue
A representative from the PCS Technology department will make contact and attempt to resolve the issue remotely. If PCS Technology determines that the device needs to be swapped out, they will provide instructions for dropoff/pickup.

8. Finally, I want to reiterate that you have a lot more responsibility now for your own education. Your teachers will keep you accountable if you don't turn in assignments, but during the week it is your job to check for the assignments, complete them and ask for help when you need it. This is an early welcome to one aspect of being an adult!