Basic Information


Monday, April 30, 2018

USH 4/30/18

1. King Cotton (Examples)
2. When finished, work on:

  • Missing work
  • History Day sources
  • Work for other classes
Homework: History Day project due next class - NO LATE WORK!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Robotics and Engineering 4/27/18

Class game due today!

If you think you are finished:

  • What is missing?
  • What could I add?
  • How could I make this higher-quality/polish?
  • Seek input from other students - but don't take too much of their time from their own work.
  • CREATE INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR GAME! - Have someone else check your instructions.
If you've done all that...

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

USH 4/25/18

1. HD Pictures and Paragraphs (and Citations!)
2. King Cotton
Homework: HD Project due next Wednesday!  Edit your paragraphs, get the bulk of your work done this weekend so you aren't too rushed next week!

Robotics and Engineering 4/25/18

Class game work!

If you think you are finished:

  • What is missing?
  • What could I add?
  • How could I make this higher-quality/polish?
  • Seek input from other students - but don't take too much of their time from their own work.
If you've done all that...
  • Ask Mr. Radke to evaluate your game.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

USH 4/24/18

English CAT Testing

Homework: Continue writing your HD paragraphs.  Aim to be done by the end of the week so you can edit and create your tri-fold

Monday, April 23, 2018

Robotics and Engineering 4/23/18

1. Class Game
          Due at end of class Friday

Friday, April 20, 2018

USH 4/20/18

History Day Research #3 due
Civil War Pictorial Input due

1. History Day Project Examples
2. Slave Found Poem
3. King Cotton
Homework: Turn your HD notes into paragraphs.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

USH 4/18/18

iPad and pencil needed
1. Using Keynote: Civil War Pictorial Input / Questions (Video)
2. Slave Found Poem
Homework: History Day Research #3 due Friday, buy your tri-fold and start planning your decorative theme.

Robotics and Engineering 4/17/18

1. Game tips
2. Working on your Class Game!
After today, 4 classes to finish your Class Game

Monday, April 16, 2018

USH 4/16/18

1. Check HD Research #2.  Do you have your tri-fold board yet?
2. Complete To Be a Slave notes - include slave ship picture and title on first slide
3. Two Spirituals Juxtaposed
Homework: History Day Research #3 Friday

Friday, April 13, 2018

Robotics and Engineering 4/13/18

1. Check 5 Class Game Ideas
2. Class Game Instructions
3. Begin work!  Class game is due Friday April 27 - you have 6 class periods to complete it.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

USH 4/12/18

1. Vocab cards out: Inside Outside Circles
2. Slave Ships/Slave Trade in Two Minutes
3. To Be a Slave Journal

  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
Homework: History Day Research #2 due Monday April 16.  Go out and buy your trifold board - start planning what the decorative theme will be.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Robotics and Engineering 4/11/18

1. Class Game brainstorming - all 5 ideas needed by Friday
2. Last day of Scratch tutorials - add new skills and try new things that you could include in your game

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

USH 4/10/18

You need: iPad + HD Research #1 + late Infamous
1. The Business of Slavery
2. History Day Research #1 Check 
3. To Be a Slave Journal (Google Classroom)
Homework: Missing work due Thursday
History Day Research #2 due Monday April 16

Monday, April 9, 2018

Robotics and Engineering 4/9/18

1. Class Game Brainstorming - have at least two ideas on your doc by the end of the day (need 5 by Friday)
2. Continue Scratch - choose tutorials to build your game-creating skills
3. Make sure your first three tutorials are added to the correct Studios on Scratch

Friday, April 6, 2018

USH 4/6/18

1. Collect Infamous #5, check vocab cards

  • Pass back papers while in progress.
2. Vocab cards 10 minutes
4. Finish Graphing Cotton Gin Census Data - 15 minutes
6. To Be a Slave
  • Prologue: Journal
Homework: History Day research #1 due Tuesday

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Robotics and Engineering 4/5/18

1. Class-related game - slow burn
2. Scratch: Race to the Finish
3. If done, continue adding to your game-making skills: choose a different tutorial for making a game

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

USH 4/4/18

1. Discuss/collect HD 1-paragraph overview
2. Civil War Pre-test (Classroom)
3. Graphing Cotton Gin Census Data (video)
Homework: Infamous #5 and vocab cards due Friday

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Robotics and Engineering 4/3/18

1. Start thinking of a topic for a game based on something from your favorite class
2. Scratch: Make It Fly
3. Next: Race to the Finish

Monday, April 2, 2018

USH 4/2/18

Have out: Pencil, 2 sheets binder paper, Infamous
1. New seats
2. Infamous #1-20 check
3. Evaluating Websites (Save the Northwestern Pacific Tree Octopus!)

  • coverage, objectivity, currency, origin, accuracy, and purpose
4. HD: Person overview
Homework: Using wikipedia, write a 1 paragraph overview of what your person did during the war/to stop slavery. Due Wednesday
Infamous #5 and vocab cards due Friday