Basic Information


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

3rd Period R&E 4/30/19

iPads, Macbooks (get the correct number!)
1. Building your Rikishi
2. Day Two Building Progress slide due today

2nd Period R&E 4/30/19

Computer Notes (iPad or pencil/paper)
1. Finish Computer Notes
2. Practice for Computer quiz
3. Plan a Computer
Computer Quiz next Monday

Monday, April 29, 2019

USH 4/29/19

iPad, Civil War Notes, Infamous Vocab Cards, pencil
1. Inside Outside Circles
2. The Coming of the War
3. Surrender of Ft. Sumter
4. Notes: Civil War States/Scott's Great Snake
5. Civil War Advantages
6. Glory reverse permission slip
HW: Civil War Advantages
Vocabulary Battle: Friday May 17
Slavery/Civil War Final: Tuesday May 21

Friday, April 26, 2019

3rd period R&E 4/26/19

1. Programming our Rikishi
2. Build your Rikishi!
3. Day One Building Progress slide due end of class

2nd Period R&E 4/26/19

iPad, notes from last class
1. Computer notes continued - have your notes ready!
2. Aim to finish Computer Part Visual Encyclopedia

Thursday, April 25, 2019

USH 4/25/19

iPad, pencil, sit with your partner
Extra Credit update
1. Civil War Battle Presentation Rubric
2. Time to practice and edit your presentation.  How can you improve it?
3. Presentations
Homework: Just missing work

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

3rd Period R&E 4/24/19

iPads, pencil, paper
1. New partners for Sumo
2. Sumo Wrestling Journal
3. Rikishi designs

2nd Period R&E 4/24/19

iPad, app for taking notes or paper and pencil
1. Computer Parts notes
          a. Veterans: homework or reading quietly
2. Computer Part Visual Encyclopedia
          a. Veterans: Full disassembly for pictures
          b. Due end of class Friday

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

USH 4/23/19

     Civil War Battles starter information
HW: Civil War Battles Presentation ready to practice Thursday

Monday, April 22, 2019

3rd Period R&E 4/22/19

1. "Finals" day.
2. Make sure all work is turned in.
3. Sumo Wrestling begins Wednesday.

2nd Period R&E 4/22/19

iPad, Rikishi, Kit
1. Sumo Tournament today!  You will have 5 minutes to make sure your robot works without battling.
2. Rikishi will be disassembled once we return to room 5.
3. Turn in your completed Sumo Wrestling Journal!

Friday, April 19, 2019

USH 4/19/19

Political Cartoon+ Matrix, pencil, binder paper, iPad
1. Political Cartoon Gallery Walk
2. Social Pyramid of the South
3. The Sculpture of Slavery
4. Why America Needs a Slavery Museum
5. Google Classroom Question:
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."
                        - Harriet Tubman

Thursday, April 18, 2019

3rd Period R&E 4/18/19

Computers stay off until after SSR
1. Finish all incomplete assignments.

  • Did you miss the Building Circuits assignment?  Check with Mr. Radke
  • Electrical Circuits
  • Circuit Piskel Puns
2. Finished?
  • Create your own Piskel animation!
  • Homework from another class.
Next Class: Fun and games tournament (if all your work is finished)

2nd Period R&E 4/18/19

Final day of building and programming your Rikishi.
1. Use the scales to find the mass of your Sumo bot.
2. All groups check programming to knock off LEGO block.
3. Sumo Wrestling Journal should be finished by the end of the day.
Final is next class!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

3rd Period R&E 4/16/19

Do not turn on computers until after SSR
1. Finish Electric Circuits
2. Circuit Piskel Puns (Google Classroom)

2nd Period R&E 4/16/19

1. Two testing days remaining!
2. Battle testing log must be started today.
Homework: take Parent Letter home

Friday, April 12, 2019

3rd Period R&E

Do not turn on computers until after SSR
1. Finish Electric Circuits Assignment

2nd Period R&E 4/12/19

1. Building your Rikishi
2. Fill out at least entry in your Battle Testing Log

Thursday, April 11, 2019

USH 4/11/19

iPad, pencil
1. Civil War Precipitators PPT
2. Precipitators Matrix and Notes
     a. Bleeding Kansas
     b. Dred Scott
     c. Lincoln-Douglas Debates
     d. Pottawatomie Massacre

3. Create a Political Cartoon for the Civil War Precipitators
HW: Civil War Political Cartoon

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

3rd Period R&E 4/10/19

Sign in to your Google Chrome/Classroom
1. Electrical Circuit Assignment

2nd Period R&E 4/10/19

iPad (grab macbook if no iPad)
1. Four working days until the final
2. Goal 1: Drive around the ring without self-destructing
3. Goal 2: Test your Rikishi against another.  Then think about what you learned from the battle and make an entry on the Battle Testing Log slide.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

USH 4/9/19

Census Map, pencil, Infamous vocab cards
1. Turn in Census Map
2. Inside-Outside Circles
3. SHEG Irish Immigration
HW: Final day for late work is Thursday

Monday, April 8, 2019

3rd Period R&E 4/8/19

Keep backpack packed and with you.
Electric Circuits in Room 6

2nd Period R&E 4/8/19

iPad (grab MacBook if no iPad)
1. Continue work on your Rikishi
2. Goal for today: Sumo Robot drives around the ring by itself without falling off
3. End of class: Day Three Building Progress slide

Thursday, April 4, 2019

USH 4/5/19

iPad (Numbers app), pencil, colored pencils
1. Collect/turn in Civil War Timeline
2. Warm-Up: BGI Immigration Data
3. 1860 Census Immigration Data Map
HW: 1860 map, missing work deadline Thursday April 11

3rd Period R&E 4/4/19

No iPad today (turn off or airplane mode), no SSR
1. Life Skills Lesson: Following Directions
2. Quiz Review
3. Electrical Circuits
4. Finish Plan a Computer

2nd Period R&E 4/4/19

Building your Rikishi

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

USH 4/3/19

iPad, Infamous vocab cards
New seats next class
1. Inside Outside circles w/vocab cards
2. Google Maps: where did your family come from?
3. Would You Rather? (Google Classroom)
4. Finish Civil War Timeline
HW: Civil War Timeline due Friday

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

3rd Period R&E 4/2/19

iPad, computer notes
1. Computer parts practice & highlighting
2. Plan a Computer
3. Computer parts quiz next class
Study your Computer Notes for the quiz on Thursday.

2nd Period R&E 4/2/19

1. Day Two of building your Rikishi
2. Key ideas for today:

  • Where should your color sensor go?
  • Does your design fit inside of a standard printer paper?
3. End of class: Day Two Building Progress slide due