Basic Information


Friday, September 28, 2018

USH 9/28/18

Infamous list/cards, Pictorial Input Questions, iPad
1. Infamous list/vocab card check
2. 5 min study time -> Government Pictorial Input Quiz
3. Economy Map of the 13 United States
Homework: Economy Map if not finished

Thursday, September 27, 2018

3rd Period R&E 9/27/18

1. SSR
2. Building and testing robots
3. If your robot is ready to test, complete Slide 4 right away.
4. End of class: Slide 4 check

2nd Period R&E 9/27/18

1. Working on your class game!

  • Accessing tutorials for code
  • The "Backpack"

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

USH 9/26/18

1. Counselor visit
2. Correct Gov't Pictorial Input Q's
3. Gov't Pictorial Input Studying
4. Pass back assignments
5. Time for Infamous?
6. Gov't Pictorial Input Quiz Friday
Homework: Study for Gov't Pictorial Input Quiz
Infamous #2 1-60 and Vocab cards due Friday

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

3rd Period R&E 9/25/18

Be seated with your backpack.
1. Room 17 - SSR
2. Basic drag racing program
3. Building racers - goal: first track test today

2nd Period R&E 9/25/18

No headphones/earbuds today.
1. Class Game Introduction + Questions
2. Start Class Game if finished with tutorials (including Pong Game and Fashion Game)

Monday, September 24, 2018

USH 9/24/18

Infamous #2 work, pencil, colored pencils
1. Homework check: Infamous #2 1-30
2. Government Pictorial Input
3. Gov. Pictorial Input Questions
4. Infamous #2 / vocab cards work time
Homework: Infamous #2 31-60, vocab cards due Friday

Friday, September 21, 2018

3rd Period RE 9/21/18

Backpacks with you
1. SSR in room 17
2. What is drag racing?
3. Using the LEGO Command brick
4. Continue building your drag racer
5. End of class: slide 3 of DRC due

2nd Period R&E 9/21/18

1. Scratch tutorial #3: Race to the Finish

  • Follow the instructions to make it work!
  • Remember to name and turn in all three tutorials to the appropriate class studio

2. If finished with all three starter tutorials, do the "Fashion Game" and "Pong Game" tutorials
Next class: Introduction to the Class Game

Thursday, September 20, 2018

USH 9/20/18

iPad, pencil, 1 sheet binder paper per group of two people
1. Warm Up: Guns and Ships
3. Exit Ticket: The Battle of Yorktown
Homework: Infamous 1-30 complete.  Work on Vocab Cards.  Late work accepted until midnight Friday.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

3rd Period R&E 9/19/18

Have your backpack with you.
1. Room 17
2. Building structure and not bending
3. The Drag Racing Chronicle - slide 2 due end of class.

2nd Period R&E 9/19/18

Earbuds/headphones out but not on.
Turn on computers and get signed in to Chrome.
1. Turning in Scratch tutorials
2. Second Scratch tutorial: Make it Fly 
       Make sure to name your projects
3. Third tutorial: Race to the Finish

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

USH 9/18/18

Appointment clock sheet, iPad, any study materials you should go over.
1. 5 minutes study time
2. Declaration Unit Exam (digital)
3. Rebels
No homework

Monday, September 17, 2018

3rd period R&E 9/17/18

SSR book, iPad
Take Robotics Survey on Google Classroom.
1. SSR
2. Drag Racing Teams
3. Gear Ratios

2nd Period R&E 9/17/18

New seats
1. Set up Scratch

2. First tutorial: Animate a Name

  • Each letter needs a unique action

Friday, September 14, 2018

USH 9/14/18

iPad, Boston Massacre questions, pencil
1. TURN IN your edited Boston Massacre Paragraph AND Questions
2. Work returned
3. Declaration Unit Study Guide
4. Petaluma Declaration due today
Homework: Study for Declaration Unit Exam next class

Thursday, September 13, 2018

3rd Period R&E 9/13/18

1. SSR
2. Game Day!
3. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

2nd Period R&E 9/13/18

iPads - get kits and racers too
Drag Racing Chronicle Due Complete TODAY
1. Rules for the Multi
2. iPads, kits, and racers to the Multi
3. Kit disassembly

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

USH 9/12/18

Pencil, have iPad ready for paragraph grading
1. Boston Massacre paragraph peer grading
2. Junk on the floor
2. It's Too Late to Apologize
3. Petaluma Declaration
4. Declaration Unit Study Guide
Homework: Edit your Boston Massacre paragraph

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

3rd Period R&E 9/11/18

NO SSR TODAY.  Earbuds/headphones.

1. Last day to finish Class Game!


2nd Period R&E 9/11/18

iPads/laptops, charged racers
1. Room 17
2. Last day to get racers ready!
3. Get your gear ratio to Mr. Radke
4. Get all but the final slide of the Drag Racing Chronicle finished today

Monday, September 10, 2018

USH 9/10/18

Infamous Vocab Cards, pencil
Unit Test Tuesday September 18
1. Return Infamous #1
2. Vocab card inside-outside circles
3. SHEG Boston Massacre
4. Were the British Redcoats at fault in the Boston Massacre?
Homework: Complete paragraph, start reviewing Infamous terms.

Friday, September 7, 2018

3rd period R&E 9/7/18

Earbuds/headphones, NO SSR
1. Class game!  Two more classes to complete yours!

  • Clear instructions!
  • Test for bugs/weirdness and fix it!
  • Feel like you're done?  Increase complexity/add more!

2nd Period R&E 9/7/18

1. Room 17
2. Drag Racing Chronicle

  • Evaluation #1 due today at end of class
  • Drag Racer Mk. II time trials due end of next class
2 more classes to get your racer going!  Ask for help if you are behind!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Back to School Night 2018

Welcome to Robotics!
Mr Radke:
Class website:
Important Dates:
Drag Racing finals:
          2nd period - Sept. 13
          3rd period - Oct. 11
Sumo Wrestling finals:
          2nd period - Nov. 9
          3rd period - Dec. 17

USH 9/6/18

iPad, pencil/pen, homework out
1. Review Stamp Act Guiding Questions
2. Grading Stamp Act Paragraph 
3. Video: Adams
NO HOMEWORK (please still write this down!)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

3rd Period R&E 9/5/18

1. Class Game
3 remaining days to complete your game!

2nd Period R&E 9/5/18

1. Room 17 (bring charged robots)
2. Drag Racing Chronicle:

  • Slide 5 - Time Trials
  • Slide 6 - Evaluation #1

3 remaining days to get drag racer working on the track!  Ask Mr. Radke for help if you feel behind.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

USH 9/4/18

New Seats
Infamous List + Vocab Cards, Pencil, Pen, iPad
1. Check Infamous homework
2. Grade   Triangle Trade   paragraph
3. SHEG Stamp Act
Homework: Paragraph: Did the Rich Colonists Rile up the Poor Colonists?