Hello fine students! We now have a schedule for KJHS. Mr. O sent it out to your parents (and you?), but I am going to also attach the schedule to this announcement so you can download it and keep it handy.
Basically, you're going to have work each week. I'll push it out Sunday nights on Google Classroom and you have the week to work on it. According to the schedule, there will be times during the week when you can contact your teachers through Zoom to ask questions and get help. I'll have a Zoom call running during those times and you can drop in. I'll have the link posted here in Google Classroom and on the class website. If you have concerns or questions you can email me, of course!
Please get in the habit of checking your email every day now. That is how you will see updates from your teachers and assignments as well.
Stay safe and protect yourself and others.
Mr. Radke
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